Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time New York: Daylight saving starts from today

Spring has set forth in America and it is daylight saving time in the USA. The daylight saving time officially starts from March 14, 2010. Most of the Americans will now sleep one hour less and enjoy the evening after work. Vos Iz Neas reports:

Officially the change to daylight saving time occurs at 2 a.m. Sunday, local time, though most folks set their clocks and watches ahead an hour before going to bed on Saturday. In areas that observe the change, clocks fall back when standard time returns Nov. 7.

Daylight Saving Time started in the United States during World War I. It was done to save valuable energy and use it in factories. The scheme was repeated during World War II. In between these two wars, it was the will of the states and communities not to observe the daylight saving scheme. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act and standardized the “length of Daylight Saving Time.”

I live in Bangladesh and from last year, our government started the daylight saving scheme. In a poor country like ours where frequent electrcity outage is very common, this is very good step. It helps to save energy and use it at night when it is most necessary.

To know the current New York Time, visit: