Monday, March 15, 2010

Ides of March: The day when Julius Caesar was assassinated

“Ides of March” refers to the 15th day of March, May, July and October and the 13th day of the other months. The “Ides of March” is also memorable for a tragic incident. On this day, back in 44 B.C., famous Roman dictator, Julius Caesar was assassinated.

The assassination was perfectly described by famous English playwright, William Shakespeare in his play “Julius Caesar.” Caesar was assassinated while attending a session of the Senate. It is said that a seer warned the great Caesar to be careful on the Ides of March but Caesar did not took it very seriously. On that dreadful day, the great dictator mocked the seer. He said:

“Well, the Ides of March have come,” to which he replied “Ay, they have come, but they are not gone.”

The seer’s prediction became true and Caesar was stabbed to death at the senate meeting.

The Ides of March was also a festival day dedicated to god of Mars, the Roman god of war. A military parade was held on this day.

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The Huffington Post