Wednesday, March 31, 2010

History of ASOCIO from 1984 to 1997

The countries of Asia Oceania have show tremendous growth potential over the years. Economies like China, Australia, Malaysia, Japan observed unprecedented growth over the years. The ICT sectors of these countries had major contributions in this development. To unite the ICT industries of these regions and ensure further growth ASOCIO has been working rigorously.

Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO) was established in 1984 in
Tokyo, Japan. The main objective of the organization was to develop the computing industry in the Asian Oceania region through the promotion of trade relationships between the countries. In June 1984, representatives of various information services industry in the Asia Oceanian region opted for the creation of an organization. This was followed by a promoters meeting in Tokyo in October where preliminary statutes and Plans of Activities of the organization were determined. The first ASOCIO General Assembly was also held in October in Japan where ICT Associations of various countries met including JISA ( Japan ), ASOCIO Australia (Australia ), KIIA (Korea), CISA (China , Taipei), NZCSA (New Zealand). Observers came from China , Hong Kong , Philippines and Singapore attended the meeting. In the meeting General Assembly- Ichiro Tanizawa of Japan was declared president, Kevin Morrisey of Australia was declared vice president, Y.T Lee of Korea was declared secretary and Fujimoto Kazuro of Japan was declared director.

The next year in May, at the second General Assembly, Singapore Federation of the Computer Industry became one of the founding members of ASOCIO. That year in September, third ASOCIO General Assembly was held where interim reports on ASOCIO Member Economies Activities were reviewed.

In October 1986, the fourth ASOCIO General Assembly meeting was held in Seoul, South Korea where Mr. Kevin Morrisey of Australia was declared the President of ASOCIO.

In November 1987, the fifth ASOCIO General Assembly meeting was held in Wellington, New Zealand where ASOCIO members adjusted their activities.

In December 1988, the sixth ASOCIO General Assembly was held in Taipei, China where Dr. Y. T. Lee of Korea was declared ASOCIO’s President. That year Malayasia’s ICT association, The Association of the Computer Industry Malaysia (PIKOM) was accepted as full member of ASOCIO. In that year’s general assembly, necessary amendments relating to membership were made to statutes.

In December 1989, the 7th General Assembly was held in Singapore. A symposium themed “The Information Industry- Towards the 21st Century” was also held. Members discussed about development plans and prospects for the software industry, environment and promoting computerization and information industry partnerships.

In June 1990, Officers meeting took place at Washington D.C. That same year in November, the 8th General Assembly and Symposium of ASOCIO was held in Perth, Australia. Themed ‘Strategic Alliances’ the symposium was aimed at creating a platform for ASOCIO members to meet and forge alliances. In the General Assembly meeting, Mr. Noel Hon Chia Chun of Singapore was declared president.

In June 1991, ASOCIO officers’ meeting was held in Penang, Malaysia. That same year in November, the 9th ASOCIO General Assembly and Symposium themed “IT Trade Incentives and Opportunities in the Asia-Oceania Region” was held. This year, the Association of Thai Computer Industry (ATCI) became the Vice-President in charge of ASOCIO General Assembly and Symposium.

In July 1992, ASOCIO officers meeting was held in Singapore. That same year in December, the 10th General Assembly of ASOCIO was held in Bangkok, Thailand. A symposium themed “IT Business Opportunities in ASOCIO” was also held. This year, ASOCIO declared Mr. Richard Yin of CISA, China, Taipei, as the President of ASOCIO. Another noticeable feature of the event was the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) and Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) were accepted as guest members.

In June 1993 in Taipei, China, officers’ meeting was held and six strategic initiatives were established in the strategic planning session. The ASOCIO officers also visited various government offices including Institute of Information Industry with an aim to exchange information and understand the public policies with high-ranking government officers. In December of that year, the 11th ASOCIO General Assembly was held in New Delhi, India. A symposium was also held. The them of the symposium was “IT Strategies for End-User Organization.” The ASOCIO members also visited the Ministry of Science and Technology.

In June 1994, ASOCIO officers’ meeting was held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. In December of that year, 12th ASOCIO General Assembly and symposium was held. The theme of the symposium was “Software Market and Opportunities in Asian Oceanian Region and Intellectual Property Rights in ASOCIO Member Economies. Dr. Y. T. Lee of FKII (The Federation of Korean Information Industries) was declared president. On December 2, 1994, the 10-year Anniversary Banquet was held which invited the 26 honorable contributors and past Presidents of ASOCIO.

In July 1995, ASOCIO officers’ meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand where

eight strategic initiatives were established and a government visit program was arranged to meet with the head of NECTEC of Thailand. In November that year, 13th ASOCIO General Assembly and Symposium was held. The themes of the symposium were: “Multimedia Applications for Information Super Highway", "Directions of Internet Business in ASOCIO" and "Present and Future of CALS in ASOCIO". Myung Oh, Minister of Construction and Transportation South Korea received ASOCIO IT Award 1995.

In May 1996, ASOCIO officers’ meeting was held in Auckland, New Zealand. The officers met with the senior government officials of New Zealand and Australia. In September that year, 14th ASOCIO General Assembly was held in Singapore along with COMDEX Asia. At the same year Dr. F.C. Kohli of NASSCOM was elected ASOCIO’s President. Mr. Lim Swee Say, Chairman, National Computing Board (NCB), Singapore, received ASOCIO IT Award 1996. Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) and SEDISI (Spain) were accepted as associate member and guest member respectively. This year ASOCIO also made necessary amendments to its member statutes.

In June 1997, ASOCIO officer’s meeting was held in Taipei, China where five action plans were identified at the strategic planning session with an aim to create a “trans-century vision.” In addition, the ASOCIO officers also met with government officials. In November that year, in Tokyo, Japan, 15th General Assembly and symposium themed “Staying Ahead in the IT World of the 21st Century” was organized. ASOCIO also awarded Dr. Hirose Inose, Director General, National Center for Science Information Systems, under the Ministry of Education, Japan, ASOCIO IT Award 1997. This year, Federation of Information Technology Industry, Sri Lanka (FITIS) was accepted as associate member.
