Saturday, March 20, 2010

10 million Child Labor in Pakistan: No Solution in Near Future

This is a number that will surely be contested by Pakistani government officials. After all, if it is true then a significant portion of the children and teens are child labor. This is a condition that no country is proud of at least in our age. Violence and terrorism are now the major problems. So, the government can give hardly any attention to reduction of child labor.
USA is willing to provide millions of dollars in its war against terrorism but US government is not that much generous when it comes to fight against poverty alleviation.
What the decision makers in USA must try to understand that in a country like Pakistan, child labor and terrorism are some closely related. These children do some of the most risky jobs in the country and often they suffer accidents. There is law to protect them but there is no good will from the authority to implement the laws.
I don’t see any solution to this problem in near future because hardly anyone cares about the plights of child labors in Pakistan.  

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