Wednesday, March 17, 2010

IP Telephony in Bangladesh at Last

Really it is very big news for Internet users in Bangladesh. IP Phone was launched yesterday (16 March 2010) and 18 companies (ISPs) are now giving this service. With this technology, Internet users will be able to talk among themselves (PC to PC) without any cost. Of course, you have to pay a monthly fee of just 100 Taka which is really nothing for any person in Bangladesh with a computer and Internet connection.
I am giving the rates of IP Phone from BDCOM website:
BDCOM IP Telephony detail tariff plan: 1.        Fixed monthly charge per IP Phone user        @Tk.        100.00
2.     BDCOM IP Phone to BDCOM IP Phone    @Tk.        0.0
3.     BDCOM IP Phone to All IP Phone operator      @Tk.        0.0
4.     IP Phone to all other GSM/CDMA/PSTN operator      @Tk.        0.65
15% VAT is applicable
I visited the website of Grameen Cybernet too but they have not put the rate yet for their IP telephony. I guess that the rate will be similar.

The companies that are going to provide the service in Bangladesh are:
Advanced Data Networks System Ltd, Agni Systems Ltd, BDCom Online Ltd, Beximco, BracNet, BTS Communication Ltd, Connect BD Ltd, Dhakacom Ltd, Grameen Cybernet Ltd, Global Access Ltd, HRC Technologies Ltd, Information Services Network Ltd, Innovative Online Ltd, Link3 Technologies Ltd, Metronet BD Ltd, Optimax Communication Ltd, Royal Green Online Ltd and Telnet Communication Ltd.

If you are not comfortable with using computer and Internet and want a traditional phone set then you have to spend some extra money to buy an IP phone. According to a report of the Daily Star, the price of such phone sets can cost you in the range of 3,000 to 30,000 Taka.
The only limitation at this moment is that you can just talk within Bangladesh. I hope soon we can talk to people of other countries with IP telephony.