Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nissan Micra India to Come in April or May 2010?

I found an entry in New York Times blog: Geneva Auto Show: 2011 Nissan Micra and the blogger JERRY GARRETT was not impressed with the car’s design and looks. Well, by seeing the picture, I liked the design and color. The car is going to come in India soon. I found two dates about the possible arrival of Nissan Micra car in India. One report said that it might come in April while in another website I found that the car might come in India in May 2010. So, may be what will happen is that Nissan Micra will come in late April or early May.
The price of Nissan Micra in India will be some where between Rs 400,000 and Rs 500,000.
So, it is clear that in the Indian market, Nissan wants to target Maruti because Maruti is the market leader in small car segment. Tata introduced Nano last year but could not make a significant dent to the popularity of Maruti. Now, Nissan is trying to do the same thing with Micra car in India. We will have to wait another few months to see whether they can do it or not.