Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trakkrz: A New Blog Directory to Try Your Luck

I am not a big fan of blog directories simply because most of them require that you give them a link and this way they do not care whether your blog is good or not. That is why, it gives me a lot of hope to see that a new blog directory called Trakkrz has come out and they are claiming that they will review each and every blog that is submitted and then they would include the worthy ones.

From their FAQ:
What inspired
We were tired of all the blog following sites that include any and every blogger out their regardless of quality. We wanted to build a community where visitors could come and see the latest from popular bloggers on a particular topic, get to know the bloggers themselves, and be able to comment on and highlight the best that these bloggers have to offer.
I had applied for this blog and I will let you know the result. Really, I do not care that much if they do not select because my blog has already got some decent amount of traffic and page rank of 6 according to Google.