Saturday, September 26, 2009

Computer Jagat Opens a Portal and Blog Community in Bangladesh

Computer Jagat is one of the leading ICT magazines in Bangladesh. It has a decent number of readership and almost everyone in the IT industry know about it in the country. It has a website for quite some time now. Recently, some major changes were done and it was turned into an Information Technology portal. Here, you can now find all the achieved content of the old issues and I have to say that it is undoubtedly the richest achieve in Bangladesh about Information Technology.

It will be a very valuable asset  for the researchers and ordinary users alike. Abdul Wahed Tomal is the brain behind the online portal. I am happy to inform you that Tomal was my student 10 years ago in University of Asia Pacific. In fact, some of my former students are directly or indirectly involved with this project.
I am impressed mainly because Computer Jagat is not a daily or even a weekly magazine. It is a monthly magazine and here most monthly magazines even don’t have their own websites or even if they have, the websites are not updated regularly. From time to time, I sat with Abdul Wahed Tomal and it gives me a lot of pleasure to see that he has the dream to make it a very successful web portal.
E-commerce is yet to be implemented in Bangladesh. Very few website owners can dream of earning money through their websites. That is why, we do not have that many web portals in large scale. I admire the courage of Tomal in this regard. Hopefully, e-commerce will be implemented in Bangladesh in 2012 and then things will become better for people like him.
I wish to see that a new breed of young web entrepreneurs emerge in my country. India has already some big success stories. Bangladesh perhaps also has some like Fahim Mashroor of I hope that Tomal can become a role model soon.
What I like most about Computer Jagat portal is its blog section. It is like a community blog. I really wish with all my heart that it remains as solely a blog on Information Technology. Then, the people who are interested about technology related issues can get a very useful platform. For example, today, one of my assistants asked me some questions about buying a laptop in Dhaka. If he had asked this question in the blog section of Computer Jagat then perhaps some people could give him more information than I could. Or there is a huge digital divide gap in Bangladesh between Dhaka and the rest of the country. Computer Jagat Blog can do something about it too.
By the way, in blog section, Animesh Chandra Bain is giving tips in Bangla language about WordPress.
I have already stated that Tomal was my student and I have very good relationship with him. Hopefully, I will be able to provide updates of the blog and portal in the coming days.