Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kolkata Fashion Week 2009: More Hot Pics but No Culture

Today, many people in India are searching about Kolkata Fashion Week 2009 and hot pics of Mandira Bedi. I am not a fan of Mandira Bedi and I really cannot understand why so many people are crazy about her. Well, one of the reasons is perhaps that she has no problem about wearing short dresses and thus, her fans can have hot pictures of her. Yes, if you do a Google search then you can understand what I am saying. I have been to West Bengal and Kolkata and I can assure you that hardly anyone there wear the sharees the way Mandira Bedi does.
The most funny part is that she was born in this city and she stated to the journalists that she was excited to walk in the Kolkata Fashion Week 2009 wearing a sharee. Anyway, I guess that fashion is like this. What is painful perhaps is that the people of Kolkata are proud of Tagore and Satyajit Ray. Perhaps Tagore and Ray are outdated and Mandira Bedi is going to take their place. Change is an inevitable part of life and there is nothing wrong with fashion. I just wish that Bengali designers in Kolkata could become some more creative and try to do something on the line of Tagore and Ray.