Monday, September 14, 2009

After 8 Months and 400,000 Page views of South Asia Blog

Wow! 8 months have already passed. Time really flies so fast. I started this blog on South Asian Business Economy. I still cover them but these days, there is more of Bollywood and Cricket. Well, if you live in South Asia then you should know that entertainment and sports are perhaps the most popular thing. Huge amount of money are spent on them and they are a part of mainstream business. So, in a way, I have digressed from the original topic of the blog but then, we are covering the things that have most popular appeal.
I am happy to inform you that we have received more than 400,000 page views since the day South Asia Blog was started. It is cool because at first getting traffic is very difficult. Now, I guess that it will become much easier. We have received links form many blogs and websites and I like to thank them a lot. The best part is that these links were not reciprocal. They just liked our content and mentioned about us.
I am also excited to inform you that the number of Feedburner subscribers has passed 1000. This is perhaps the sweetest part. We are trying to give something that some people like and this brings the most satisfaction for us.
What next? Well, I have realized that we should cover business, entertainment (movies and TV) and sports. This way, we can reach to a lot of people in South Asia. We are always committed to producing quality content and I hope that most of our visitors get satisfied with the thing content we put it in South Asia Blog.
As for business and economy, I have decided to give my best content in the field in a new blog: and you should take a visit there.