Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lizzi Miller: Fat, Hot or Just a Publicity Stunt?

If you want to become a model, your body has to look perfect. You can not even add small amount of fat. Flat tummy, beautiful hips, long legs, big breasts are a must; but not for Lizzi Miller. Few days ago, Glamour, a US based international women’s magazine published her naked picture. Immediately after the magazine hit news stands, hundreds of e-mails came saying that they loved the picture of the “woman on page 194.” Here is a quote from the article of Cindi Leive, Editor-in-chief, Glamour magazine:

It's a photo that measures all of three by three inches in our September issue, but the letters about it started to flood my inbox literally the day Glamour hit newsstands. (As editor-in-chief, I pay attention to this stuff!) "I am gasping with delight...I love the woman on p 194!" said one...then another, and another, andanotherandanotherandanother. So...who is she? And what on earth is so special about her?

Here's the deal: The picture wasn't of a celebrity. It wasn't of a supermodel. It was of a woman sitting in her underwear with a smile on her face and a belly that looks...wait for it...normal.

She further writes:

So what's the story behind the photo? "The woman on p. 194" is actually 20-year-old model Lizzi Miller, and this is her second appearance in Glamour, shot by fashion photographer Walter Chin. A size 12-14 and avid softball player/belly dancer ("I like exercising when it's fun"), Lizzi moved to New York City from San Jose three years ago to become a model (a "plus-size" one by modeling industry standards, though hello, at size 12 she's actually "normal size"...but I digress).

Prior to these photos, nobody knew Lizzi Miller but now she is famous, a true “ELEBRITY.” After she read those letters, her eyes filled up with tears. There were days when she flipped through pages of magazines just to see one person who looked like her but she never found one and this forced her to think that there was something wrong about her body but after seeing Jennifer Lopez and BeyoncĂ© with curves, she started to accept herself more. Now, she is inspiring hundreds and thousands of women.

Personally, I liked the pictures very much. Lizzi Miller looked very beautiful and that small amount of fat hanging around her belly made her look more natural and sexy (to me).

What surprises me is that in countries like the U.S. or the U.K., where consuming alcohol is considered to be a sign of smartness and growing up, where, every day people consume large amount junk foods, How can they dream of having washboard abs or a perfect body? Sometimes, I watch the Discovery Travel and Living channel. This life style channel often covers about American foods. All over the U.S., there are many big fast food shops and food chains that are very much popular and some of them have been doing business for about one hundred years. Every day, hundreds and thousands of people go to these places to enjoy their favorite burger, french fries. They produce thousands of fastfood items. We all know that fast food and alcohol makes you fat. With all these, you add up your irregular working hours, stress, family responsibilities and you end up getting fat. The entire system made all the necessary arrangements for people to become overweight but all of them expect to see people in perfect shape. The western print and electronic media, cash on this idea and publish pictures of perfect looking models (courtesy ala Photoshop+drugs) and these images affect people negatively. This is really tragic.