Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lisa Ray diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma

Canadian born Bollywood actress Lisa Ray has been diagnosed with a rare incurable can called Multiple Myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cells. Lisa underwent medical treatment few months ago after her bone marrow started giving her problems. In her blog, The Yellow Diaries, the actress broke this news on September 8, 2009. She wrote:

“I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma on June 23rd. Started my first cycle of treatment July 2nd. Not long ago. For me, it was a relief to hear what was wrong. The plasma cells in my bone marrow were rampaging, multiplying, sqeezing out the red blood cells and it was time to begin doing something about it. You just know when something is kosher with your body. When I got the news, I didn't react and didn't cry. I am an actress, believe me, I can be dramatic," she wrote.

Despite the nature of the disease, Lisa Ray has already started her first treatment cycle on July 2, 2009. Many people advised her not to break the news as it would affect her career but she did. The good news is as the disease has been detected at an early stage there is a good chance that she might be cured. Born to a Bengali father and Canadian mother, Lisa Ray started as a model.