Thursday, August 27, 2009

Harley-Davidson Motor Bikes in India from 2010

When it comes to motor cycles, the name of Harley-Davidson came to the mind of many people. This company has been able to make a mark for its product in the US market. Of course, Harley-Davidson motor cycles are a bit expensive but there are many people in the world who don’t mind paying some extra money for fashionable and famous brands.

The company has already set up a manufacturing plant in India and from 2010, it is going to sell motor bikes in this market. Well, you may wonder that not too many people would be interested about this product in India because Indian people are not that rich. However, the country has a flourishing educated middle class and many people are fan of American TV series, fashion, movies and music. So, there can be a growing market for Harley-Davison after all here.

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