I am very excited to note in my Sitemeter that this blog (South Asia Blog) is going to touch half million page views mark in the next few minutes. It is an amazing feeling for any blogger. I started this blog in January and thus, it took 9 and half months to reach this mile stone. It is not the first time that I have got this amount of page views for a blog. In fact, in the last 3 and half years of my professional blogging life, I have seen another 5 blogs passing this amount of page views. Thus, it is the 6th blog and I have another one that would have the same achievement within a few weeks.
South Asia Blog suffered some tough condition because of my mistake about selecting the right kind of hosting. Secondly, I also made a big mistake by changing its focus from being a purely economic blog to covering many other things. Well, I really want to go back to my original topic of South Asian Business Economy from 1 November 2009.