Friday, August 28, 2009

World Class ICT Institute in Bangladesh Going to Be Set Up Soon

Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) is the leading trade body in the Information Technology Sector of Bangladesh. Yesterday, it took all of us to a great surprise with the singing agreement ceremony of setting up a ICT Institute in Bangladesh. The project will be implemented under Public-Private partnership. Ministry of Science & ICT (Public) And Bangladesh Computer Samity (Private) are two parties that will jointly implement it.

I think that it is a very good initiative for the ICT sector of Bangladesh. I just wish for one thing- in the new institute, all the focus will be given on getting meritorious and talented students and the fee will be kept within the ability o middle class families. In Bangladesh, still, the best students come from middle or lower middle class backgrounds.

I received a press release from Birendra Nath Adhikary Chief Operating Officers Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS). I am giving it here:

A world class ICT Institute will be set up inside the High-tech Park or its adjacent area, Kaliakoir, Gazipur in the outskirt of Dhaka under the joint collaboration between public and private sectors. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology and Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) was singed today at Dhaka Sheraton Hotel in order to implement the project. The occasion was organized in conjunction of Doa Mahfil & Itfer in the holy month of Ramadan.

Honorable State Minister for Science & ICT Architect Yeafesh Osman graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Hon'ble State Minister for Water Resources Mr. Mahbubur Rahman, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee for the Ministry of Land Affairs Mr. A. K. M. Mozammel Haque & the Secretary of the Ministry of Science & ICT Mr. A. K. M Abdul Awal Mazumder was present as the Special Guests. Presided over by the BCS President Mr. Mustafa, the function was attended by high officials of the government, autonomous & private sectors, past & present EC members of BCS, members of BCS general body and representatives of various press & mass communication media.

In his speech the Chief Guest of the occasion hon'ble State Minister Architect Yeafesh Osman told the MOU was the first of its kind between the Ministry of Science & ICT and premier association of the Industry Bangladesh Computer Samity upon the PPP model was announced by the government, which is an excellent example of fulfilling the commitment of the government. He told despite the main focus had been given to create world standard skilled workforce under the MOU, however, various activities for the development of ICT could be also conducted under its terms & conditions. The Minister expressed strong belief that the activities related to the program of 'Digital Bangladesh' will be expedited upon implementing the program. He also mentioned that more likewise initiatives would be adopted in near future. The Minister praised the professionalism of Bangladesh Computer Samity. He convincingly told that any legal obstacle to establish ICT Institute in joint collaboration of public and private sectors could be eliminated with the support & assistance of all concerned. He expressed thankfulness to BCS and the Officials of the Ministry of Science & ICT for organizing such a great occasion of signing the MOU.

Special Guest hon'ble State Minister for Water Resources Mr. Mahbubur Rahman invited the entrepreneurs & initiators to adopt ICT related projects as like as Gazipur to his own area of Kuakata in Patuakhali. Upon such initiatives, opportunities would be created to bring the southern most part of the country under 'Digital Bangladesh' program, he told optimistically.

In his speech Special Guest hon'ble Member of the Parliament Mr. A. K. M. Mozammel Haque told the day of signing the MOU is a day of joyous and ever remembrance for the people of Gazipur. He told we fought for the independence of the country upon responding the invitational struggle of the Father of the nation Bangabanhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Now, we are stand by the process of establishing world class ICT University in Gazipur, which will expedite the implementation of 'Digital Bangladesh' under the leadership of hon'ble Prime Minister Jananetree Sheikh Hasina, he told. He told, if be necessary, not only 5 acres of land, 10 acres of land will be arranged for establishing ICT University in Gazipur. Mr. Haque expressed gratitude to the initiators of the project on behalf of the people of Gazipur.

The Special Guest of the occasion Mr. A. K. M Abdul Awal Mazumder told the Ministry responded positively & moved as faster as Bangladesh Computer Samity proposed for signing the MOU. He informed that the Ministry had also a mindset to set up a world class ICT Institute at Kaliakoir, which had became easier while Bangladesh Computer Samity came forward. He said that the project would be a unique example of public-private initiative. He expressed gratitude to all related parties for initiating such a noble project.

In his speech, the Chair of the occasion, the renowned ICT personality of the country Mr. Mustafa Jabbar told the day of singing the MOU would be ever remembrance and written in the golden alphabets in the ICT history of the country. He told Bangladesh Computer Samity had been relentlessly working for the development of ICT from the time of its inception. BCS conducted many of those activities in collaboration with the relevant Ministries and government departments, he mentioned. However, he told the noble and huge activities which had been started through signing the MOU would be unprecedented for the ICT sector of the country. Thus, there were similarities found between words and activities of the government, he told. BCS President expressed his optimism that the government would come forward for initiating likewise programs such that the vibrating program of 'Digital Bangladesh' would be implemented in the near future. He expressed gratefulness to the hon'ble Prime Minister on behalf of Bangladesh Computer Samity and ICT Industry of the country. Mr. Mustafa Jabbar told BCS was determined to implement the project at any cost to fulfill the commitment of the government and for the interest of the country. The expressed gratitude to the hon'ble State Minister for Science & ICT Architect Yeafesh Osman, the Secretary of the Ministry Mr. Mr. A. K. M Abdul Awal Mazumder and other Officials of the Ministry for their kind endeavor to organize the MOU signing ceremony in order to establish ICT Institute at the High-tech Park.

The occasion was also addressed by the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Science & ICT Mr. M. M. Neazuddin, while BCS Vice President Mr. A. T. Shafique Uddin Ahmed provided vote of thanks to all present at the occasion. In ahead of all speeches, BCS Secretary General Mr. Mohammad Zahirul Islam placed a multimedia presentation on BCS activities and proposed ICT Institute. The function was conducted by the President of BCS Computer City Mr. Mazibur Rahman Sawpon.

Upon completion of the speeches, the MOU was signed between the Ministry of Science & ICT and Bangladesh Computer Samity in presence of the hon'ble State Minister Mr. Yeafesh Osman, hon'ble Member of the Parliament Mr. A. K. M. Mozammel Haque and other dignitaries. Joint Secretary Mr. M. M. Neazuddin signed on behalf of the Ministry and BCS President Mr. Mustafa Jabbar signed on behalf Bangladesh Computer Samity on the MOU, while Dr. Md. Ferdous Hossain, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry and Mr. Md. Shahid-Ul-Munir, BCS Treasurer signed there as witnesses.

It would be worthwhile to point out here that the Ministry of Science & ICT would allocate 5 acres of land at premise of High-tech Park in Kaliakoir or to its adjacent area, where Bangladesh Computer Samity will establish a world class ICT Institute in collaboration with the Ministry.

Upon the MOU was signed, prayer was offered for the well-being of the country, nation & people and for the development of the ICT Industry. At the end, all present in the occasion took part in the Ifter and dinner.