Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bangladesh Computer Samity Delegation Visiting Thailand, Sri Lanka and Maldives

As a freelance IT (Information Technology) Journalist, I am a keen observer of the computer industry in Bangladesh. I have been covering this industry since 1999 and thus, it is now 10 years. From now, I will try to write about this field in South Asia Blog. Today, I received a press release from Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS). In fact, Birendra Nath Adhikary Chief Operating Officer of BCS sent the press release. I am putting it here:

A delegation of Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) is making a tour to Thailand, Sri Lanka and Maldives during the period of August 04-13, 2009. Led by BCS President Mr. Mustafa Jabbar, the delegation includes the Vice President of ASOCIO (Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization) & former BCS President Mr. Abdullah H. Kafi, BCS Vice President Mr. A. T. Shafique Uddin Ahmed, Secretary General Mr. Mohammad Zahirul Islam, Joint Secretary General Mr. Kazi Ashraful Alam, Treasurer Mr. Md. Shahid-Ul-Munir & Director Mr. Yousuf Ali Shamim, and BCS Members Mr. Ashrafuddowla, Mr. Motaleb Hussain Manik & Mr. Gazi Aminul Hoque. During this period at the invitation of the Association of Thai ICT Industry (ATCI), they are participating at the 'Bangkok Business Visit Program' organized by ATCI for the ASOCIO Member Associations. The delegation will also have an onsite visit to Lanka Government Network (LGN) project in Colombo implemented by the Sri Lankan Government at the invitation of Information & Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA). On an extended tour plan, few team Members will further visit the vocational & polytechnic institutes in Maldives & Srilanka.

On the way of this extensive tour program, a bilateral MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) was signed between BCS and ATCI and also a multilateral MOU was signed among BCS, ATCI, Software Industry Promotion Agency (SIPA, Thailand), The Association of Computer and Multimedia Industry of Malaysia (PIKOM), Vietnam Software Association (VINASA) and Myanmar Computer Federation (MCF). On behalf of BCS, its President Mr. Mustafa Jabbar signed on both the agreements that took place at Novotel on Siam, Bangkok on August 05, 2009 at 12-30 PM. Prior to signing the MOU, Mr. Mustafa Jabbar presented the updated ICT status of Bangladesh to the audience composed of delegations from ASOCIO Member economies. In his presentation BCS President recalled that the concept of 'Digital Bangladesh' was first placed to the audience of ASOCIO ICT Summit 2008 by him on 11 December 2008 in Hong Kong. He said that the present government under the leadership of hon'ble Prime Minster Sheikh Hasina had not only recognized it, but also her government had taken it as one of its priority programs in the 'Vision 2021'. BCS President informed that Bangladesh had been all set to be the pioneer to build knowledge-based society before its target in 2021.

Both the aforementioned agreements were signed in a view of inter-country ICT development, to explore the ICT sector and expand its market across the region & beyond. It may be mentioned here that the signing of any such MOU by an ICT association is unique and happened for the first time in the history of Bangladesh. Mr. Abdullah H. Kafi, the ASOCIO Vice President, who also signed on the MOU as one of the witnesses, welcomed the MOU signing and said that it was a historic event for Bangladesh's ICT industry. While spoke on the occasion of MOU signing ceremony, Mr. Kafi expressed his gratitude and congratulated all concerned. ASOCIO officials, Thai government officials, regional ICT leaders, BCS Directors and few Members witnessed and congratulated the MOU signing ceremony.

On the other hand, it is expected that making an on site visit to LGN project in Sri Lanka will enrich & better help the Bangladesh team for implementing the Bangla Government Network project initiated by the Government of Bangladesh. As a part of this mission, the Executive Director of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) Mr. Md. Mahfuzur Rahman will join the delegation in Sri Lanka. At the same time their visit to vocational & polytechnic institute in Maldives & Sri Lanka will help gather knowledge establishing likewise institute in Bangladesh.