Thursday, August 13, 2009

Swine Flu in India: What to Do?

I think that it was three years ago that Indians economy suffered a lot from bird flu. Now, there is the emergence of a new kind of disease which is called swine flu. It still has not become a very widespread but many people are now afraid as nearly twenty persons have died in the country so far from this disease. The worst affected state is Maharashtra the capital city of which is Mumbai.

BBC reported:

Schools and colleges will remain shut for a week and cinemas for three days.

The city, India's commercial capital, is in Maharashtra state, which has seen 11 of India's 19 swine flu deaths - three in Mumbai alone.

Authorities say that public pressure led them to order the closures, but stressed that people should not panic.

It is perhaps very easy to say to the people that do not get panicked but the reality is that if this kind of situation continues then many people would become afraid and it will hurt the Indian economy a lot. The best thing that the government can do at this moment is to arrange enough treatment facilities in the hospitals. The government can also provide enough information about the disease in the media.