Friday, July 3, 2009

Pakistan vs Sri Lanka 1st 2009 Time and Venue

All the supporters of the two countries are very excited today because from tomorrow, they will take part in the first cricket test match of the series. I am giving you the time of the first test match here:

July 4-8 (Saturday-Wednesday)

Everyday the match will start at 10 AM local time and GMT 04:30. So, according to Pakistan Day Light Saving Time, it should be 10:30 AM. The first test match will take place at Galle International Stadium.

The venue

Galle International Stadium Has a very eventful history as the ground is more than 100 years old but it has been hosting best matches only for 21 years. It is thought to be idea for a spin bowlers and stay longer has won majority of the test matches that they played in this stadium. The stadium suffered from the devastation of Tsunami in 2004 and it is very nice to see that it has come back to international cricket very strongly.