Thursday, July 2, 2009

King Gyanendra busy with Wedding Ceremonies

One of the worst fears of celebrities is that suddenly they lose their popularity and lose all the attention among people. I guess that actresses suffer from this problem most. Suddenly, they become older and lose their beauty and sex appeal. Well, in a way, this kind of thing has happened to former King of Nepal Gyanendra. He is no longer the King but he still wants to catch public attention. So, the best way to do so is to attend some wedding ceremonies.

Times of India wrote:

This week, he will be playing a leading role in a Kathmandu wedding, according to Nepal’s tabloids. It is the marriage of an orphan adopted by his slain brother Birendra almost two decades ago. Dhan Bahadur Khatri, an impoverished little boy, caught the king’s eye when he had visited Dhankuta district in eastern Nepal. The king and his queen, Aishwarya, took pity on the parentless boy and brought him to their palace where he became the playmate of their youngest child Prince Nirajan.

Gyanendra, who assumed the role of Khatri’s mentor after the murder of Birendra and Aishwarya, has given an apartment to Khatri as his wedding gift, the Jana Aastha weekly said.

I am happy that King Gyanendra is busy with this kind of things. It is very nice to see that he is not trying hard to make an entrance in the political scenario at this moment. Nepal has enough political problems. The last thing the people need is the entrance of a former King.