Monday, June 15, 2009

Ceylon Tea to attract Chinese People

Sri Lanka is the leading exporter of tea and it is one of the main foreign exchange earners for the country. Sri Lanka has been badly hit by the ongoing civil war and it is obvious that it hurts the economy badly. So, the government has to maneuver with limited number of products for the economic development and tea is always high on its agenda. Sri Lanka Tea Board is always exploring for new markets and one of the potential markets is China. Due to continuous high economic growth for the last two decades, China is an attractive market for any product.

China is the largest producer of tea in the world but it also has a population of over 1 billion people. So, there is always room for high quality tea in the country. Ceylon tea is considered to be one the best quality of tea varieties. That is why, Sri Lanka Tea Board is now encouraging tea producers of Sri Lanka to actively pursue the Chinese market. International Tea Fair will take place in Hong Kong in August 2009 and Sri Lanka Tea Board has urged the tea companies of the country to try to take part on it. Let us see if it can bring any good news for Sri Lanka tea industry.

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(This entry was originally published in March 2009.)